Wednesday, April 7, 2021 (11:00 am - 1:00 pm)

Towards a national strategy for genomics: what are the potentials for Italy?

Italy is the third country in Europe for number of publications in genomics, with more than 14,300 papers published and is first for growth rate in the last 10 years (+44%), indicating a growing weight of Italian research in Europe.
In 2020, the Community Life Sciences, within the Genomics Observatory, which aims to position itself as the first platform in Italy dedicated to mapping and monitoring the initiatives active in Italy in the field of genomic technologies and promoting the development of a national genomics network, has identified the need to design a national strategy for genomics, going in the direction traced by other countries, United Kingdom and United States in primis.
In the 2021 edition we will follow up on this objective, identifying a series of concrete proposals to guide decision makers in the definition of a strategy on genomics based on two pillars: on the one hand we will define the areas of specialization in which Italy has the basis to excel and, on the other, we will identify the enabling factors necessary to support the areas of specialization.
This first stage of the path will be focused on the areas of specialization and we will listen to the contribution of the leading experts in genomics in Italy, with the aim of summarizing the different points of view and set a single vision towards the direction we want to go.


Stefano Gustincich

Associate Director for Technologies for Life Sciences, Director of the Central RNA Laboratory, Genova, Director of the “Centro per la Medicina Personalizzata Preventiva e Predittiva – CMP3”, Aosta, ISTITUTO ITALIANO DI TECNOLOGIA

Giuseppe Novelli

Membro e Coordinatore del Sottogruppo di Genetica del Comitato Nazionale per la Biosicurezza, le Biotecnologie e le Scienze della Vita – CNBBSV; Professore Ordinario di Genetica Medica, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata

Corrado Panzeri

Associate Partner, The European House - Ambrosetti

Nicole Soranzo

Head of Genomics Research Centre, FONDAZIONE HUMAN TECHNOPOLE


April 07, 2021
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Towards a national strategy for genomics: what are the potentials for Italy?
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Debate


Towards a national strategy for genomics: what are the potentials for Italy?<br

Verso una strategia nazionale per la genomica: quali potenzialità per l'Italia

Corrado Panzeri

Towards a national strategy for genomics: what are the potentials for Italy?<br

Verso una strategia nazionale per la genomica: quali potenzialità per l'Italia

Giuseppe Novelli

Towards a national strategy for genomics: what are the potentials for Italy?<br

Verso una strategia nazionale per la genomica: quali potenzialità per l'Italia

Stefano Gustincich

Towards a national strategy for genomics: what are the potentials for Italy?<br

Verso una strategia nazionale per la genomica: quali potenzialità per l'Italia

Nicole Soranzo

Video of the meeting

Verso una strategia nazionale per la genomica: quali potenzialità per l'Italia?
Giuseppe Novelli
CNBBSV; Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata, Membro e Coordinatore del Sottogruppo di Genetica; Professore Ordinario di Genetica Medica; già Rettore
Corrado Panzeri
The European House – Ambrosetti, Associate Partner & Head of InnoTech Hub
Nicole Soranzo
Fondazione Human Technopole, Head of Genomics Research Centre
Stefano Gustincich
Central RNA Laboratory, Genova; Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Aosta, Associate Director for Technologies for Life Sciences; Director