Digital Twins for the Twin Trantisions. Creating Digital Twins for a more competitive, efficient and inclusive society
The European House - Ambrosetti
Atos Italia
Added on 10/02/2023
Metaverse and financial system: a new opportunity for the business community?
The European House - Ambrosetti
Added on 16/11/2022

Il ruolo dell’Ecosistema dell’Innovazione nelle Scienze della Vita per la crescita e la competitività dell’Italia - 8^ edizione
The European House - Ambrosetti
Added on 27/09/2022
Digitalization and sustainability for Italy's Recovery - with Microsoft
The European House - Ambrosetti
Added on 06/09/2021
Technology Forum Life Sciences - 2020 Report
The European House - Ambrosetti
Added on 29/09/2020
Campania Tech Revolution - Position Paper 2020
The European House - Ambrosetti
Added on 07/09/2020

Università 5.0 Il rilancio del Sistema Universitario come motore di crescita e di sviluppo del Sistema Paese e del Sistema Impresa -Mappa Concettuale
Ambrosetti Club
Added on 29/05/2020
The New Future - Position Paper InnoTech Community 2020
The European House - Ambrosetti
Added on 25/05/2020