Thursday, June 25, 2020 (10:00 am - 12:30 pm)

Reflections and proposals for the relaunch and growth of the country: what challenges for society and cities post Covid-19


Elena Bottinelli

CEO, IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital and IRCCS Galeazzi of Milan

Francesca Ciceri

Head of Institutional Clients, Amundi SGR​

Valerio De Molli

Managing Partner & CEO, The European House - Ambrosetti; Director of London’s Ambrosetti Group Limited

Giovanni Federico Di Corato

CEO, Amundi Real Estate Italia SGR

Barbara Gasperini

Editorial Director, The New's Room

Roberto Maroni

Former President of the Lombardy Region, Minister of the Interior, Minister of Labour and Social Policies

Mario Motta

Professor at the Department of Energy, Politecnico of Milan

Corrado Panzeri

Associate Partner, The European House - Ambrosetti

Piero Pelizzaro

Chief Resilience Officer, Municipality of Milan

Massimo Roj

CEO and Founder, Progetto CMR​

Cinzia Tagliabue

Deputy Head of the Retail Clients Division, Amundi e CEO, Amundi SGR


June 25, 2020
10:00 am - 12:30 pm Reflections and proposals for the relaunch and growth of the country: what challenges for society and cities post Covid-19