Wednesday, September 18, 2024 (9:30 am - 1:00 pm)

Technology Forum Life Sciences 2024 - 10th Edition

Hotel Melià Via Masaccio, 19 - 20149 MILANO

The Technology Forum Life Sciences 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of Community Life Sciences, the multistakeholder platform of The European House - Ambrosetti that supports and promotes innovation and research in the Life Sciences in Italy. On this important date, the Forum will promote a high-level debate with all the main players in the sector: top management and top executives of companies active in the Life Sciences, research centres and universities, venture capital and private equity funds, and representatives of Italian and European institutions.
The performance of the innovation ecosystem in Italy will be analyzed in comparison with European ecosystems (in terms of scientific production, technology transfer, start-ups and spinoffs, and research investments). The main global R&D trends in Life Sciences will also be presented. Finally, discussions with Italian and European policy makers will be fostered, in order to understand what are the main actions to be taken to improve the performance and positioning of the Italian Life Sciences research and innovation ecosystem.


Laura Baranello

KAROLINKA INSTITUTET, Group Leader and Principal Researcher

Niresh Berinpanathan

Associate, Nextech Invest

Magda Bienko

HUMAN TECHNOPOLE, Group Leader at the Functional Genomics Centre

Valerio De Molli

Managing Partner & CEO, The European House - Ambrosetti; Director of London’s Ambrosetti Group Limited

Thomas Geninatti

Senior Director Corporate Development, Gilead Sciences

Tony Hickson

Chief Business Officer, Cancer Research UK; Advisor, Cambridge Enterprise

Sarah Kerruish

KHEIRON MEDICAL,Chief Strategy Officer

Lev Kogon

Vice President, Head of Business Development, Nykode Therapeutics

Antonio Lanzavecchia

VIR BIOTECHNOLOGY, Senior Vice President and Senior Research Fellow; ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI GENETICA MOLECOLARE, Invernizzi Fellow, Human Immunology Program

Filippo Mulinacci

Chief Business Officer, Araris Biotech

Francesca Pasinelli

General Director, Telethon Foundation

Gregg L. Semenza

Winner of 2019 Nobel Prize in Medicine; Professor of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University; Director of Vascular Program, Johns Hopkins Institute for Cell Engineering

Ennio Tasciotti

UNIVERSITÀ SAN RAFFAELE ROMA, Professore Ordinario di Biotecnologie; IRCCS SAN RAFFAELE ROMA, Direttore Human Longevity Program; Community Life Science, Scientific Advisor

Gianmario Verona


Mariavittoria Zaglio

Giornalista, Class CNBC – Sanità Next


September 18, 2024
9:30 am - 1:00 pm Technology Forum Life Sciences 2024 - 10° Edition