Tuesday, April 18, 2023 (4:30 pm - 7:00 pm)

First Round Table discussion H2@InnoTech Community: "Hydrogen in Italy: comparison with other international experiences."

c/o The European House - Ambrosetti via Francesco Albani 21 - 20149 MILANO

The latest hydrogen-related projects are a driver of sustainability and economic competitiveness for Italy where the foundations for industrial leadership in this sector should be laid. To this end, it is necessary to accompany the planned projects with a clear industrial policy vision defined in synergy with the climate objectives. In this sense, the public resources and reforms can be understood as a market accelerator for Italy in this field and must be the basis from which new growth models should be developed.
The implementation of hydrogen-related projects, however, cannot disregard a proactive dialogue between companies, supply chains, and central and local Institutions to formulate policy proposals capable of fostering investment and wide-ranging projects.
The objective of the meeting is to monitor the state of the art of the various hydrogen-related projects in Italy in comparison with international benchmarks, stimulating dialogue between the Partners of the InnoTech Community and external guests to define the main opportunities for development and any hindering factors, with particular reference to the role of institutions.
The meeting will be moderated by Alessandro Viviani (Senior Consultant, The European House - Ambrosetti).


Andreas Bodén

First Deputy Speaker, Vätgas Sweden

Giulia Castelnovo

Policy Officer, Hydrogen Europe

Viviana Cigolotti

Responsabile del Laboratorio Accumulo di Energia, Batterie e tecnologie per la produzione e l’uso dell’idrogeno del Dipartimento Tecnologie Energetiche e Fonti Rinnovabili, ENEA

Jürgen Grönner

Managing Director, Westnetz

Andrea Lovato

Head of Hydrogen Vertical, ACWA Power

Haris Stoddart

Senior Policy Advisor, International Hydrogen Strategy and Engagement Team, Department for Energy and Net Zero

Alessandro Viviani

Senior Consultant, The European House - Ambrosetti


April 18, 2023
4:30 pm - 7:00 pm PHYGITAL MEETING
First workint table of the vertical H2@InnoTech Community: "Italy in comparison with other international experiences".