Wednesday, June 22, 2022 (3:00 pm - 5:30 pm)

The implications of the Ukrainian crisis on the national food supply chain: the macroeconomic vision, supply chain actions and the role of research and innovation

c/o The European House - Ambrosetti Via Albani, 21 - 20149 MILANO

As early as 2021, the Covid-19 pandemic crisis exposed the fragility of supply chains, with effects both on businesses, who found themselves in a situation of scarce production inputs, and on citizens, who saw their supermarket shelves empty.
With the outbreak of war in Ukraine and the ensuing energy crisis, the fragility of the agri-food system has been further accentuated: production costs have risen by a total of around 33% for an additional outlay of EUR 8 billion on an annual basis - price increases have been particularly marked in some product categories, for example fertilisers (+170%), energy (+80%) and animal feed (+50%). The effects of higher prices have repercussions both on businesses in the agri-food chain - with pressure on margins of economic sustainability - and on households - whose shopping trolley is becoming increasingly expensive.
The crisis in Ukraine has emphasised the discussion on food self-sufficiency with the aim of making the country less vulnerable in the event of a geopolitical crisis. To date, the implications of the war in Ukraine are still unclear, but it will certainly be crucial to rethink new management models for the agri-food sector in the future with the aim of creating an ecosystem that is competitive and innovative but also resilient and robust enough to face future challenges.
The Phygital Meeting "The Implications of the Ukrainian Crisis on the National Food Supply Chain: Macroeconomic Vision, Supply Chain Actions and the Role of Research" will aim to stimulate a debate with the most qualified stakeholders to identify possible geopolitical implications on the agro-food supply chain, define potential strategies to strengthen the positioning of national stakeholders and prospect the role of research and innovation to promote greater resilience of the sector.


Eliana Baici

Professor, University of Eastern Piedmont

Gabriele Canali

President, Vsafe, Spin-off, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Paolo De Castro

Member of the European Parliament 

Corrado Panzeri

Partner & Head of the Innovation & Technology Hub, The European House - Ambrosetti

Marco Pirani

President Progeo

Riccardo Preve

Director Operations & Finance, Riso Gallo

Raffaello Prugger

General Manager, Tecnoalimenti

Angelo Vittorio Zambrini

President Tecnoalimenti

Lorenzo Zurino

Founder and CEO, The One Company


June 22, 2022
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm The implications of the Ukrainian crisis on the national food supply chain: the macroeconomic vision, supply chain actions and the role of research and innovation


The implications of the Ukrainian crisis on the national food supply chain: the macroeconomic vision, supply chain actions and the role of research and innovation

Presentazione A. Zambrini

Angelo Vittorio Zambrini

The implications of the Ukrainian crisis on the national food supply chain: the macroeconomic vision, supply chain actions and the role of research and innovation

Presentazione G. Canali

Gabriele Canali

The implications of the Ukrainian crisis on the national food supply chain: the macroeconomic vision, supply chain actions and the role of research and innovation

Presentazione E. Baici

Eliana Baici

Video of the meeting

Le implicazioni della crisi ucraina sulla filiera alimentare nazionale: la visione macroeconomica, le azioni della filiera e il ruolo della ricerca e dell’innovazione
Eliana Baici
Università del Piemonte Orientale, Professore ordinario
Paolo De Castro
Membro del Parlamento Europeo
Marco Pirani
PROGEO, già Presidente
Raffaello Prugger
TECNOALIMENTI, Direttore generale
Lorenzo Zurino
THE ONE COMPANY; Kauffman Holdings, Founder & CEO; Director of Purchasing
Gabriele Canali
Vsafe, Spin-off, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Presidente
Corrado Panzeri
The European House - Ambrosetti, Partner & Head of InnoTech Hub
Riccardo Preve
Riso Gallo, Direttore Operations & Finance
Angelo Vittorio Zambrini