Thursday, May 5, 2022 (4:00 pm - 6:00 pm)
Talent crunch in life sciences: the situation in Italy
The panorama on the state of the world of work and related professional profiles in Italy offers important data both in terms of surplus and shortage of human resources.
Today, Italy is losing its young talents in the Life Sciences.
In fact, the Life Sciences world in our country is experiencing a mismatch in terms of talent, with an ever-increasing demand and an increasingly difficult search for qualified profiles.
A hiatus that can allow to find in this "crisis of talents" a moment of reflection, evaluation and, therefore, of creation of the new.
The meeting, the third and final one in the run-up to Bio€quity Europe 2022, is dedicated to the theme of The Talent Crunch in Life Sciences: the situation in Italy, with the aim of opening a debate on the subject and trying to find solutions and actions to bridge this gap, paving the way to attract, grow and retain talent.
Julia Beretta
CEO, Genespire
Tiziana Carnicelli
Director, Angelini Academy; Group Education e HR Communication Head, Angelini Holding
Arnaldo De Lisio
Head-hunter e Executive Recruiter; Partner, Catalyst Advisors LP
Riccardo Pietrabissa
Rector of the Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS and Advisor of Research, SCUOLA UNIVERSITARIA SUPERIORE IUSS
Maria Rescigno
Professor of General Pathology and Deputy Pro Rector with delegation to research, Humanitas University
Corrado Panzeri
Associate Partner & Head of the Innovation & Technology Hub, The European House - Ambrosetti
May 05, 2022 | |
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Talent crunch in life sciences: the situation in Italy |