Thursday, December 2, 2021 (10:00 am - 1:40 pm)

The New Generation of Cloud based on XaaS - Everything-as-a-Service
A new sustainable Cloud model for the competitiveness and growth of Italy

Hotel Hassler Piazza della Trinità dei Monti, 6 - 00187 ROMA

What are the new possible technological models to support the development and the growth of the Country-System and to revolutionise the digital strategies of enterprises and Public Administrations? What are the potentialities of our Country?
The initiative aims to be an opportunity for strategic thinking to discuss the priorities needed to support the digital transformation of enterprises and Public Administration, with particular attention to the enabling contribution of Cloud technologies.


Esko Aho

Former Prime Minister of Finland; Former Chairman of the Finnish Innovation Fund SITRA; Former Advisor for Innovation and Digital; Scientific Advisor for the Project

Diego Antonini

Deputy Chairman, Assinter

Francesco Bonfiglio

CEO, Gaia-X

Sonia Bonfiglioli

President, Bonfiglioli; Scientific Advisor to the project.

Renato Brunetta

Minister for Simplification and Public Administration

Andrea Cabrini

Direttore, Class CNBC

Paola Cillo

Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Technology at Università Bocconi; Scientific Advisor of the project

Valerio De Molli

Managing Partner & CEO, The European House - Ambrosetti; Director of London’s Ambrosetti Group Limited

Alfonso Fuggetta

CEO, Cefriel

Dario Pagani

EVP Global Digital & IT, Eni

Corrado Sciolla

Executive Chairman, Cedacri

Pier Paolo Tamma

Chief Digital Officer, Pirelli

Stefano Tomasini

Director for Digital Organization, INAIL

Kristo Vaher

Government Chief Technology Officer, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia

Stefano Venturi

Chairman and Managing Director, HPE Italy


December 02, 2021
10:00 am - 1:40 pm The new generation of cloud based on Xaas - Everything-as-a-service
A new sustainable cloud model for the competitiveness and growth of Italy


The New Generation of Cloud based on XaaS - Everything-as-a-Service<br
A new sustainable Cloud model for the competitiveness and growth of Italy  

Presentazione Paola Cillo

Paola Cillo