Tuesday, May 24, 2022 (10:00 am - 1:00 pm)


Anantara Palazzo Naiadi Rome Hotel P.za della Repubblica, 47, - 00184 ROMA

Technology Forum PA is the first spin-off of The European House-Ambrosetti's InnoTech Community entirely dedicated to Public Administration. The Community was born in 2011 within Ambrosetti Club with the mission of strengthening dialogue and relations between the industrial, scientific-technological, financial and institutional communities and promoting growth opportunities and a widespread culture of innovation. One of the InnoTech Community's pivotal topics of discussion is the Country's digital transformation. Digitization is an increasingly imperative need for PA as well. The process already under way is part of a strategy to improve access to goods and services throughout Italy for both citizens and businesses. But much remains to be done. First and foremost, we need a greater centrality of people and their skills. The Forum will be a unique opportunity to propose to policy makers a series of specific recommendations to create an ecosystem conducive to the digitization of the sector, as well as to the growth and development of businesses and the country, at a historical moment such as the one we are experiencing today.


Antonio Amati

General Director IT, Almaviva

Diego Antonini

President, Assinter; President, Insiel

Renato Brunetta

Minister for Simplification and Public Administration

Mauro Colombo

Technology & Innovation Director, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Italy

Giuseppe Conte

Central training and human resources development director, INPS

Valerio De Molli

Managing Partner & CEO, The European House - Ambrosetti; Director of London’s Ambrosetti Group Limited

Michele Fioroni

Coordinator of the Commission for Technological Innovation and Digitization, Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces

Eva Giovannini

Journalist, Rai TV

Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella

Full Professor of Administrative Law at the Faculty of Law, LUISS Rome; Director, Center for Research on Public Administration

Patrizia Ravaioli

General Director, Formez PA


May 24, 2022

Video of the meeting

Antonio Amati
Almaviva, Direttore Generale IT
Renato Brunetta
Ministro della Pubblica Amministrazione
Giuseppe Conte
INPS, Direttore centrale formazione e sviluppo risorse umane
Michele Fioroni
Conferenza delle Regioni e delle Province autonome, Coordinatore della Commissione per l’Innovazione Tecnologica e la Digitalizzazione
Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella
LUISS Roma; Centro di Ricerche sulle Pubbliche Amministrazioni, Professore ordinario di Diritto amministrativo presso la Facoltà di giurisprudenza; Direttore
Diego Antonini
Assinter; Insiel, Presidente
Mauro Colombo
HEWLETT PACKARD ENTERPRISE, Director Innovation & Technology
Valerio De Molli
The European House - Ambrosetti; Ambrosetti Group Limited di Londra, Managing Partner e Amministratore Delegato; Director
Eva Giovannini
Rai TV, Giornalista
Patrizia Ravaioli
Formez PA, Direttore Generale